“He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18)


“If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” I John 4:7

We believe that Satan’s primary weapon in his attack on our sexuality is shame; shame both from things done to us and things we have done. Many of us were sexually abused as children. Most of us were introduced to pornography and other sexual stimuli far before our minds had developed enough to comprehend, let alone handle, the intense feelings that surged within us. In our pain and our confusion, instead of turning to God for healing, we turned to sexual acting out to medicate. The results have been incredibly tragic: addiction to orgasm, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, broken marriages, incredible despair and even intense thoughts of suicide.

Yet in the middle of this chaos, God speaks. And the very thing he calls us to do is the scariest thing we could imagine. He calls us to stop hiding. He calls us out of the darkness into the light. He calls us to speak our shame. He calls us to “confess [our] sins to each other and pray for each other so that [we] may be healed.” (1 John 5:16) He calls us to come into the light by being transparent with one another on the road to healing. We believe that means he calls men to honestly confess to other men. We believe it also means being honest about the damage done to us as children. It means talking about what our cousins did us that summer. It means weeping with one another as we share our stories that Satan has convinced us are so unique, only to discover a room full of men who understand because they also have been in similar places.

We don’t understand all the ways this miraculous process works, yet just as we can’t see the wind but only the effects of the wind, we see the healing that takes place as we walk in the light. We see men who have lied their entire lives learn to speak the truth. We see men who, since adolescence, have not gone more than 24 hours without a sexual release make 90 days, six months and even years of sexual sobriety. We see marriages restored and healed. We see couples discover for the first time in twenty years of marriage the meaning of real intimacy and the incredible joy of intimate and connected sex. We see prisoners set free. We see broken hearts bound up and restored.

We see God’s healing hand at work and the results are amazing!

Darrell Brazell addresses this battle in his A Theology of Sex message. (right click and choose “save as” to save to your computer.)

Sexual Recovery Groups

Are you struggling with pornography, masturbation or sexual addiction? If you are willing to begin honestly facing the struggle, click the link below to find out how to join our groups.


If you sense God’s calling to partner with us either through prayer or through financial support, please contact us. We need support in both areas.

You can make donations by clicking the PayPal button below.  We are a non-profit with our 501c3 designation letter.

Give us a call at (785) 331-HOPE or E-mail Darrell Brazell by using the Contact form below

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